May is a great month and this year has been exceptional here on mull. At Craignure camp site on 9th was an Ortolan Bunting, a very scarce bird which I have never see. This is the first record for Mull and for Argyll. At Lagggan Bay is a White billed diver which has been hanging around on and off for a few weeks now. White billed divers are like a large Great northern but with a huge yellow/white bill, and this is diognostic and what you really notice about them. The Sea Eagles are all now feeding young and are very active, giving our visitors great sights. Short eared Owls and Hen Harriers are having a good year and numbers seem to be increased and a drive through Glen More will regularly give sightings of these bird.
All our small migrants have arrived now and I took this image of a Common Whitethroat on 19th at Killiechronan, as I watched it building its nest.
I have received a repport of a Red Kite in Glen Bellart and summer plumaged Ruddy Turnstone and Golden Plover. The Butterflies are 'coming out' and Orange tip, Green Hairstreak, Green veined White, Peacocks and Tortoishell have all been flying. Marsh Fruttillary should be making an appearance any time now. Our Orchid will be putting on a great show. Early Marsh, Northern Marsh, Butterfly Orchids, Common and Heath Spotted. Our Blue bells are looking beautiful this month.