Autumn is here and stalking on the hills of the island has started, so please take note and keep off the hills. There are plenty of good birds to see without going onto the hills. A trip round Loch na Keal can be very productive, both Goldies and Sea Eagles can be seen as well as many other raptors. At Lochdon there was a Hen Harrier roost at this time of year (last year) when I observed 17 birds coming into roost in the evening about this time of year. Great northern diver are now arriving and soon the sea lochs will be filled with these magnificent birds, also Red throats and Black throated Diver, perhaps the best place to see all three divers is Loch Buie. On Loch Scridain were 33 Scaup earlier this week and there are Slavonian grebe to be seen. We have lots of berried Rowan and Hawthorn just waiting to be eaten when the Redwings and Fieldfares arrive a little later, perhaps even some Waxwings, now that would be nice.